The IVth Report

"The Fourth Report" is a series of articles produced by Dimension IV's staff and colleagues regarding architecture, sustainability, planning and economic development.

The IVth Report was started in January of 2012, we took a "break" to regroup.   We have revamped our Design Team, upgraded our software (and hardware), enhanced our technical ability and are coming back ready and eager to service Northeastern Wisconsin and the upper midwest.

We hope you enjoy the reads and find the information helpful and at times entertaining.  



Imagine the day when “Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders”1 rally together to change the country.  The day that initiates a “bi-partisan” vision of the future—a roadmap for sustainability.  That “DAY” arrived in 1970 and we have been celebrating it as “Earth Day” (April 22) ever since.  In April, we ask what it takes for a building to “stand the test of time”.


The building process can be overwhelming and complicated, how can you make sure your are making the right investment? MR. roarT says leading with your "A-Team" can make the process manageable and develop the right plan for you.  



Economic development is a dynamic process that has a variety of players, including the public sector, the private sector and the non-profit sector.  Just what role does everyone play?



(Hint: Think Visa Credit Card)

Design is considered everyday, from what we wear to what we drive to where we work.  So what makes good design and from an architectural perspective just what is the impact of "good design"?